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Student Resources 

Click on the images below to explore a nonfiction article.  



How are the different articles organized?   

Teacher Resources
An Animal That Can Live Forever

An Animal That Can Live Forever

by Zach Jones (SN)

Balancing Act

Balancing Act

The job of an Emperor Penguin by: Jeffery Rambo

Honeybee Mystery Solved?

Honeybee Mystery Solved?

Scientists discover what may be causing honeybees to die all over the world by: Tyrus Cukavac

Remembering Dr. King

Remembering Dr. King

Nation looks back at great leader by: Ezra Billinkoff

paw prints

paw prints

Halloween Around the World

Halloween Around the World


Sun Bear

Sun Bear

Nat Geo Kids

Fragile Forest

Fragile Forest

by Erin Sullentrup

Syrian Refugees in USA

Syrian Refugees in USA

newsela article

Disaster Relief Update

Disaster Relief Update

by: Karen Fanning

During the beginning partner investigation and notice of different text structures, prompt students to look closely at each example article.  Some questions that might guide discovery are:

What information are you learning in this article?

What words are helping you learn this information?

Why do you think the author chose this structure to share the information?

How are the sentences organized to make it easy for you as a reader?

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